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Design: Materialer

Her finder du en lang række brugbare ressourcer indenfor designfaget


I Magasinet Beton kan du lære mere om beton og dets mange gode og bæredygtige egenskaber.


mur + betong er et branche tidsskrift om arkitektur og byggeteknik.


Dansk Beton Blokforeningen kan du læse om udstøbnings- og letklinkerblokke og deres anvendelsesmulighed.



Byggeri-info handler om byggeri i flere niveauer.


Træ.dk, træbranchens fællesportal, med træleksikon, nyheder og linksamling til træbranchen.

Arkitektur i træ viser træets arkitektoniske potentialer. Arkitekturguiden præsenterer et bredt udsnit af nutidig arkitektur, hvor træ på forskellig vis har betydning for arkitekturen.

Træinfo er en vidensportal om træ og træbyggeri.

VIDEN OM TRÆ - Frøslev Træ A/S

Læs magasinet Viden om træ online. Udgivet af Frøslev Træ A/S.


European Copper Institute is part of the Copper Alliance, which brings together the global copper industry to develop and defend markets for copper, and to make a positive contribution to society’s sustainable development goals.


A Plastic Planet logo - Plastic Oceans International

A Plastic Planet is a pro-business, pro-solutions organisation with a single goal - to ignite and inspire the world to turn off the plastic tap.  We believe the plastic crisis is the gateway to the climate crisis and the solutions that are needed will go so far beyond eradicating pollution.


Healthy Materials Lab is a resource for students, faculty, and professionals to find healthier materials and strategies for sustainable and equitable design.

Institute of Making — Zoe Laughlin


Institute of Making - The Materials Library is a collection of some of the most wondrous materials on earth, gathered from sheds, labs, grottoes and repositories around the world. It is a resource, laboratory, studio, and playground for the curious and material-minded to conduct hands-on research through truly interdisciplinary inquiry and innovation.

Weichporzellan (Mont Blanc 011)


Material Archiv is a Swiss material database that brings together historical and current knowledge about materials, with the aim of developing a wide range of materials from a transdisciplinary point of view for both experts and laypersons.


Material Considerations - A&DS Materials Library


Material Considerations: A Library of Sustainable Building Materials has been based at The Lighthouse, Glasgow since 2012. This web based resource showcases sustainable, traditional, innovative, recycled and low carbon building materials.

MaterialDistrict, the world’s leading match-making platform in the field of innovative materials.


Material Lab is a design resource studio and materials library in London, created especially by the UK’s leading tile manufacturer Johnson Tiles in 2006, who listened and responded to what the architect and design community wanted.


Material Order is a shared database for design material collections managed by the Harvard GSD’s Frances Loeb Library, RISD’s Fleet Library, and Parsons Donghia Healthier Materials Library.


Matrec is a consulting and research company, specialising in sustainability and the circularity of materials, and developing metrics and KPIs for measuring the circular economy.


Mindful MATERIALS is a free platform with aggregated information on human health and environmental impacts for products from leading manufacturers, vetted by experts passionate about making it easier to make informed product choices.

raumPROBE is a materials consultancy from Germany. Offerings include a materials library and free online database.



Transmaterial online is intended to be a clear, concise, accessible, and meticulously edited resource that provides information on the latest and most exciting materials commercially available.


Materialesamlinger på KADK

Materials - Dezeen

Dezeen | architecture and design magazine

Dezeen articles about materials and their development within all aspects of architecture and industrial design.

Materials - Core77

Core77 articles about materials and their development within all aspects of industrial design.


TED Talks

A collection of TED Talks (and more) on the topic of Materials.