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Adgang hjemmefra/Remote access: Remote Access

Se hvilke ressourcer du kan tilgå udenfor KADK Campus

All students and employees at The Royal Academy can use their Academy credentials login to access all online resources that are listed below.
Choose the preferred resource from the list and then enter your username and password in the login box that appears.

The first time you log in, you need to choose “The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation” from the list as well as make a WAYF statement of consent.
If you save these settings, this step will not have to be repeated.

At campus, access is granted via the school’s IP address and without login.
The list of online resources that the Library has purchased licenses for, includes JSTOR, Ebrary, Infomedia, BergFashionLibrary, Science Direct and many more.
The entire list can be found at: http://libguides.kadk.dk/az.php

Royal Academy employees can also through the IT-department get a VPN account and a VPN client on their computer, and thereby gain full Campus access from home, read more about it here or contact the IT department for further help helpdesk@kadk.dk
VPN for employees at KADK (Danish). Students can use Citrix to get remote access to software see more here: https://citrix.kglakademi.dk

List of databases with remote access

Ny database: Bloomsbury Architecture Library