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Konservering: AKTUELT

Nye bøger

Museum Lighting - A Guide for Conservators and Curators

The Theory and Craft of Digital Preservation

Measurement, Testing and Sensor Technology

On Canvas - Preserving the Structure of Paintings

Metal Soaps in Art

Biodeterioration and Preservation in Art, Archaeology and Architecture

Macro to Micro

The Conservation of Sculpture Parks

Advanced Materials for the Conservation of Stone

Engaging Conservation

The Future of Natural History Museums

Podcasts om konservering

Ph.d.-afhandlinger fra Institut for Konservering

What is the essence of conservation?

MoK - Meddelelser om Konserverings nye artikelplatform

ONLINE! Konservatorskolens specialer fra 1984 og frem er nu online fra Campus

Nyeste IIC kongres , Edinburgh 2020

CCI - Preventive conservation guidelines for collections

Konserveringsfaglige organisationer


Hjælp til de konserveringsfaglige samlinger?

Gæk: mbre@kglakademi.dk